Quartair Contemporary art initiatives – The Hague

The “popular religiosity” is the expression of the religious sentiment of people. The Church, through the centuries, established in modern devotion, a separation between personal and institutional religious attitudes. This separation as a warning against dangerous elements in the popular expressions for the power concealed by the canonical dogmas. My artistic practice explores the field of tension and mutual dependence between these two opposites, as a metaphor of modern power strategies.
QUARTAIR Contemporary art initiatives – The Hague (2014)
MARCHE CENTRO D’ARTE (MCDA) – San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy (2015)
HIGHER BY SPINNING – Sarajevo, Bosnia – Herzegovina (2017)

(installation view)

(launch of the pendulum, burning the thread which hold the bob in its starting position)
The pendulum of Foucault (1851) as a symbol of the scientific world, used to smash down by chance the Maria’s of clay. The installation is a comment on the institutional power of the church hidden behind the rules to proceed in the discernement of presumed apparitions or revelations.