

Pierfrancesco Gava is an Italian artist based in The Netherlands (Amsterdam). In his practice has always been focused on the relationship between religion and power, using video-installations and sculptures. He’s interested in the manifestation of the secular power of religion and in the blurred boundaries between the public performances enacted by political and religious leaders in the media.

Gava has a bachelor in History of art from the University of Florence (Italy). He also has a bachelor from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (Amsterdam). He completed a master in Artistic Research at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2015. His work is exhibited in The Netherlands and internationally.

2015 IN PRINCIPIO ERAT VERBUM – In conversation with Aernout Mik, 1646 The Hague (1646.nl)
2011 Rituals, IS Gallery, www.is-gallery.com
2006 Visi e travasi dell’anima, Italian Cultural Institute, Amsterdam (iicamsterdam)


2024 – PAKHUIS WILHELMINA’S 2nd BIENNALE, Pakhuis Wilhelmina, Amsterdam 

2023 – BEELD EN STORM, vijfdaags Kunst-festival, Oosterkerk Amsterdam 

2022 – PAKHUIS WILHELMINA’S first BIENNALE, Pakhuis Wilhelmina, Amsterdam 

2021 – ARCHITECTURES OF NOISE, Oscillations between knowledge and realities, W139, Amsterdam (W139)

2019 – WE ONLY COME OUT AT NIGHT, curated by Marco Nember, WOW’s Green Gallery, Amsterdam (WOW Amsterdam)
2019 Rassegna di Arte Contemporanea, curated by Nikla Cingolani, GALLERIA MARCONI, Sala Ipogei – Italy (Galleria Marconi)

2018 PAKHUIS WILHELMINA VIERT FEEST – 30 JAAR, Open Atelier, Pakhuis Wilhelmina, Amsterdam. (Pakhuis Wilhelmina)

2017 HIGHER BY SPINNING (curated by Jessy Theo Rahman), 33th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SARAJEVO, Sarajevo Bosnia-Herzegovina
2016 TENTOONBAZEN. Educational project with students supported by visual artist Pierfrancesco Gava and BAK (basis actuele kunst), Utrecht.(press release)
2016 Over grenzen, de menselijke maat (Across borders, the human dimension) # Aftrat4, ARTtrium, Ministerie Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelatie (Ministry of Interior), The Hague. (Exhibition catalog)

2015 FRAME OF MIND DE KIJKDOOS Project Space, Amsterdam (De Kijkdoos) 2015 The Fine Art of Peacemaking The Hague Peace Projects in collaboration with exhibition space GEMAK, The Hague. (thehaguepeace.org)

2015 Mangiare (IL) bene / Il faut bien manger (J. Deridda), curated by Nikla Cingolani, EXPO regione Marche, SPAZIO ELICA, Milan, Italy      (rewiev)

2015 Mangiare (IL) bene / Il faut bien manger (J. Deridda), curated by Nikla Cingolani, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona. (Review)

2015 The Great Escape – Graduation exhibition Master Artistic Research (curated by Jack Segbars and Maziar Afrassiabi) Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague (kabk.nl)

2015 Marche Centro d’Arte (MCDA), Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore (curated by Nikla Cingolani), San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy      (Galleria Marconi)

2015 Circular Permutation – in between negative and positive space (video screening), W139 Amsterdam (w139.nl)

2015 Labyrinth – theatre play of We Are Here Cooperative, (collaboration for the script and scenography), Frascati Theater, Amsterdam.

2014 MARE NOSTRUM, Filmscreening and discussion, host by BAK Basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht. (www.bakonline.org)

2014 THAT’S IT: Contemporaneità a confronto, Palazzina Azzurra di San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy(galleriamarconicupra.blogspot.nl)

2014 WE SHALL NOT CEASE OUR EXPLORATIONSMaster Artistic research exhibition, QUARTAIR, The Hague (www.quartair.nl)

2013 SEE YOU WHEN I GET THERE, Master Artistic Research exhibition, Royal Gallery, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague

2012 PHart, Kunst tot de nacht 2012, Kunststelling Alkmaar (NL).

2011 Where is your brother? Christmas Tree d’artista. Sponge Arte Contemporanea, Italy (spongeartecontemporanea.net)

2011 A.H / A.H. exhibition, Zaandam (NL)

2010 ArtOlive Jong Talent XXL 2010, Westergasfabriek Amsterdam (artolive)

2010 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, final show, Amsterdam

2010 O.K. Rietveld Academy in the Old Church, Amsterdam

2009 Rietveld UnCut, Brakke Grond Theater, Amsterdam. 

2008 Rietveld academy fine arts department, Cultural platform De Service Garage, Amsterdam

2007 Consortium, Wilhelmina pakhuis, Amsterdam

2006 Consortium, Wilhelmina pakhuis, Amsterdam


2017 PIERFRANCESCO GAVA – Artist talk, introduced by Marco Nember. ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURE, Amsterdam in collaboration with STICHTING BLUE 439

2015 MEYHANE – Pierfrancesco Gava in conversation with Massimo Benvegnù.


2015 ROND DE JAMBE a performance by Aimée Zito Lema, Rijksacademie Amsterdam (http://www.rijksakademie.nl/NL/resident/aimee-zito-lema)
2014 THE SPACE BETWEEN CONCEPTS AND REALISATIONS , an exhibition by Lilo Nein in cooperation with MAR students (performance), GEMAK, The Hague (www.gemak.org)
2014 EXCHANGE MADE LIVE, Collaboration students MA Performance Pathway at the Royal College of London & MA Artistic Research of The Hague. Performances projected on public space at the Battersea Campus, London. Event hosted by RCA tutor Nigel Rolfe and MAR tutor Yael Davids (rca.ac.uk)

2014 EXCHANGE MADE LIVE, ‘Live and in-situ collaborative work in progress'(Royal College of London & Master Artistic research The Hague)
     Walden Affaire project space, The Hague (waldenaffairs.nl)

2013 COMPOSING THROUGH WORDS, Ruth Beale’s performance with the students of the MAR, Het Veem theater, Amsterdam
2008 Dance performances with Krisztina de Châtel, various location at the Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam NL.


2016 TENTOONBAZEN, Educational project commissioned by BAK (Basis Actuele Kunst) for CKV schools in the area of Utrecht. Pilot project: Oosterlicht College, Nieuwegein


2018 The Ongoing Conversation, publication of the conversation between Angel Orellana and Pierfrancesco Gava for the exhibition
The Ongoing Conversation 5#7 at the gallery 1646, The Hague. Published by the Gallery.
(The ongoing Conversation 5#7)

2016 Over grenzen, de menselijke maat (Across borders, the human dimension) # Aftrat4, Catalog exhibition ARTtrium, Exhibition space of Ministerie binnenlandse zaken (Ministry of Interior), text Anna van Leeuwen. (exhibition catalog)

2015 International Day of Peace, text by Jacob De Jonge, The Hague Peace Project.   (http://thehaguepeace.org/2015/10/09/international-day-of-peace-2015/)

2015 Mangiare (IL) bene, catalog exhibition at the SPAZIO ELICA, Milan, Italy. Publisher Capponi – Ascoli Piceno. (Review)

2015 A Glorious Society, essay script for the video, text by Pierfrancesco Gava, 
American book Center, Amsterdam.


2015 Publication Graduation Show The Great Escape, text by Maziar Afrassiabi & Jack Segbars, publisher Andi Druk, Maastricht

2015 The Ongoing Conversation, publication of the conversation between Pierfrancesco Gava and Aernout Mik for the exhibition
The Ongoing Conversation 2#2 – In Principio erat Verbum at the gallery 1646, The Hague. Published by the Gallery. (The ongoing Conversation 2#2)

2011 Rituals, N. Cingolani in IS Gallery, article published on website. (www.is-gallery.com)

2010 Speaking things, Annelieke van Halen in ArtOlive J.T. XXL 2010, catalogue, Amsterdam.

2005 Schiele / Abramovic / De Chatel, review on the exhibition at the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Exibart.com

2002 (nr.4), Jong Holland-Art magazine The contacts between J. Van Looy and Italian artists (graduation thesis)

Pierfrancesco Gava

Wilhelmina Pakhuis
Veemkade 596
1019BL Amsterdam

Phone: +31(0)6 41681139
Email: pierf_gava@hotmail.com

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